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New Updates New Year

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

It's a new year!

With that new year comes more improvements to my website.

  • Created new page "How Keyframes work"

  • Added mention to website partners

  • Added "see more" to the special pages section for the purpose of knowing that there's and icon you can click to open a new lightbox for different content.

  • Created new page called "Updates" for the use of knowing what's new with the website

  • Converted 3D Design Projects to a Dynamic Pages for easier editing

Future Plans & Developments

  • Bringing over more old blog posts from Squarespace - have been already slowly doing this but for the sake of simplicity I have been creating them as actual pages.

  • Converting Web Projects, Client Portfolio, Reviews and more to Dynamic Pages due the amount of data needed Dynamic Pages makes more sense and makes adding new content to the website faster to add if they all have similar content layouts.

  • Adding my designwithphoenix domain to my actual Wix site

  • Expansion to Client Specific Pages - Under client portfolio I am working on adding all of the content I have worked on for that specific client and showing more of the actual work that I have done for that client on my website.


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