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Before & After

This page is about seeing the transformations from what a website used to look like to the end result when its finished.

For all of my previous website creations, I didn't capture all of every single one of my clients websites that I have edited. 75% of the time I am normally creating a website from scratch for a client. I have created websites from working with a client that has been on Wordpress/ Godaddy Web Builder/ name other platform etc. I just had forgotten to capture what it had used to look like.


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Before & After

Before & After is me taking a client's site where the original site was on a different platform or was previously created by the client in a poor design fashion, where in the after part is me coming in to improve it.

Creative Grape (unpublished)

Before - Godaddy



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The glaring issues with this website by this client is that its not mobile friendly. The full menu on the home page is a lot of text and other things that is very long to scroll around with. It's not easy to edit the menu at all very clunky. If Creative Grape ever wanted to do have support for mobile ordering then Godaddy doesn't have an easy flexibility to leverage that at all. Events when a event is over the old text that talks about the old event doesn't go away and has to be manually edited and changed by the manager. If you want to do quick edits it can be difficult to achieve them with Godaddy's builder.

After - Wix



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The solutions of how to fix what Creative Grape already has on Godaddy. Wix is able to fix what Godaddy doesn't offer at all with there web builder.

  • Wix supports mobile ordering - You just add in your menu items with all of your dishes and drinks and this can later be turned on with a few clicks for the future or when ever needed.

  • Wix Mobile app for quick edits with your menu/ events without ever having to use a laptop without needing a huge learning curve.

  • Events when the date has passed is hidden so that its continued to be shown.

  • Menu editing is very easy to update and change.

  • Being able to add flags for if food is spicy, vegan, gluten free

  • Adding pictures/ media is very easy to leverage.

  • Mobile website customizability.


These are some of the benefits to using Wix. When using Wix for editing between Desktop view and Mobile view there is added labor in ensuring that what you do on desktop matches whats on Mobile which for most people is double the work but can be a downside to most people who start getting into and using Wix.

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Long Term Projects

Long Term Projects are projects with clients that are still in overall project.

EIP Showcase - Overhaul Design

Before - Wix



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The glaring issues with this website by this client is that many fonts are being used at once. The overall web design is very messy. Missing navigation with desktop site. No footer was used. Logo isn't colored. So many things going on at once.

After - Wix



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Fresh New

Web Projects that are fresh and didn't have a website before in which the client attempted to use or have a site that needed some TLC (tender loving care).

Frisman Vintage

Created on Wix



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